Tyson Snow first started showing sculpture in galleries in 2004. His ability to depict meaningful and lasting works of art with deep spiritual and religious implications brought him near instant success. Tyson has felt very fortunate and blessed for the growing public interest in his work. Snow believes “One of fine arts truest purposes is to inspire, uplift and teach us about who we are, our purpose and relationship to each other and God.”
Tyson has been featured in various art publications and received praise during many gallery and museum shows. Among them he has been awarded first place in national and internationally acclaimed art competitions for his paintings and sculptural works. Tyson continues to install major public bronze monuments all over the country including City halls, public parks, major universities, fire training academies and even the new Coast Guard Headquarters in Washington DC. He has also recently had the pleasure of continued projects and aligning himself with Heritage Liturgical, a company whose focus is to beautify private estates, cathedrals and Missions with fine art throughout the country and beyond.