Giving to the Diocese & Parish

  • Catholic ministries appeal 

    Last year, our parish had 425 donors give to the Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA). This year, our goal is 500 donors. Our parish thanks our current and previous donors for their generosity and we ask that if you have not yet given, please prayerfully consider a gift to the CMA. 

    For more information about the CMA, please watch the videos on this page. The first video is a general overview and the following three videos speak specifically about some of the programs that benefit from CMA funds. Additional information about the CMA can also be found by clicking the button below.

    About the CMA

    To give to the CMA securely online: please click the link below.

    Give to the CMA

    To give by check: please make checks payable to Diocese of Rochester and note CMA #365 in the memo section of the check. Checks can be dropped off at the PAC or in the weekend collection basket. Thank you!


  • online giving for our parish

    St. Benedict Parish is pleased to be able to partner with Our Sunday Visitor to offer online giving as an option for: Sunday Offertory, SMS Annual Fund, Faith Formation, Sacramental Prep, Cemetery Funds, Holy Day Offertory, and special projects including the Love Divine Project.

    To give today, please click on the button below:

        OSV Hub - Online Giving for St. Benedict Parish.

    If you have any questions about this program, you may contact our parish's Director of Finance and Administration, Nancy Apolito, at [email protected]

    For information on updating your OSV Online giving, please click here. Our Sunday Visitor's Privacy policy can be found here.

    As always, we thank you for your generosity. Be well and God bless.

    Weekly Offertory for November 2& 3, 2024
    Total Weekly Offertory Income: $24,481
    Weekly Needs: $21,500
    Overage (Shortage): $2,981
    Weekly Offertory Year to Date* 
    Total Year to Date Offertory Income: $406,995
    Year To Date Need: $408,500
    Year To Date Overage (Shortage): $(1505)

    *fiscal year began 7/1/2024